November 5, 2013 Democrats wins big in WA

November 6, 2013

By and Large .. the Tea Party Republicans got handed their a** on a Platter in WA tonight.

Happy Easter ,.. we are on our way … 2012

April 9, 2012

Just checking in … to start up for the 2012 campaign ,..

Verna SciscoeHo…

November 18, 2011

September 26, 2011 Posts Dead Sea Scrolls

September 26, 2011

Verna Sciscoe
Running out of pills can cause women miss or skip a day or two or more, which reduces the effectiveness of the Pill in preventing pregnancy. Longer supplies could help the growing numbers of uninsured or underinsured women who can’t cover the cost of a doctor’s visit every three months. They could also provide a safety net for women who unexpectedly lose their jobs and thus their health insurance coverage, and have not budgeted for the full out-of-pocket prescription price (which can be as much as $180 for a three-month supply). In this economy, that is a very real concern.

A Zero-Cost Way to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy : Ms Magazine Blog
Today is World Contraception Day and many are writing about the challenges to birth control access, which are numerous, complex and vary from nation to nation. But researchers have recently identified a simple change that could make a significant difference in preventing unintended pregnancy here in…
Like · · Share · 2 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
Digital Repro Link at end=actual scrolls//Unraveling the Dead Sea Scrolls: Six Fascinating Facts via @addthis
Like · · @VernaS on Twitter · 6 minutes ago via Twitter

Verna Sciscoe
I saw the tree fall earlier from the house but could not see where it landed.. of 8 acres .. this was the only tree that fell and here lol !!!!Monday errands delayed … I made a push at it but I can’t move it …

Wall Photos
By: Verna Sciscoe
Like · · Share · 9 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
Two major subjects are treated in this composition. One relates to the internal religious politics of Jerusalem and the Temple priesthood, and the other – to the repercussions of the appearance of the Romans (called in the work Chaldeans or Kittim) on the historical scene. As in most of works of this genre, no historical personages are mentioned by name, but there are allusions to such individuals as “the Teacher of Righteousness,” “the Wicked Priest,” “the Man of Lies,” and others, whose exact identities have yet to be established.

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem – Commentary on Habakkuk
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls have had dramatic implications for the study of Jewish history, providing scholars with a large and diverse (mostly religious) literary corpus from the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Like · · Share · 10 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
The Community Rule is a sectarian work, crucial for understanding the Community’s way of life. It deals with such subjects as the admission of new members, conduct at communal meals, and even theological doctrines (such as the belief in cosmic dualism and in predestination).

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem – Community Rule Scroll
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls have had dramatic implications for the study of Jewish history, providing scholars with a large and diverse (mostly religious) literary corpus from the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Like · · Share · 12 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
Against the backdrop of a long biblical tradition concerning a final war at the End of Days (Ezekiel 38–39; Daniel 7–12), this scroll describes a seven stage, dualistic confrontation between the “Sons of Light”

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem – The War Scroll
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls have had dramatic implications for the study of Jewish history, providing scholars with a large and diverse (mostly religious) literary corpus from the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Like · · Share · 13 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
several representative expressions, such as the phrase “Sons of Light,” and concepts, such as the belief in predestination, are lacking. Many scholars still attribute the Temple Scroll to the isolated community living at Qumran.

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem – The Temple Scroll
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls have had dramatic implications for the study of Jewish history, providing scholars with a large and diverse (mostly religious) literary corpus from the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Like · · Share · 14 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
This is the BOOK OF ISAIAH … in original Hebrew … one of the dead sea scrolls, it offers those who can read Hebrew to read and compare to other forms of the book.
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls have had dramatic implications for the study of Jewish history, providing scholars with a large and diverse (mostly religious) literary corpus from the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Like · · Share · 16 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe
There is a link at the bottom for the actual digital reproduction of them…. I have not looked yet but wanted to get this out .. many varied interests and intellect in my FB friends … enjoy.

Unraveling the Dead Sea Scrolls: Six Fascinating Facts
As some of the Dead Sea Scrolls go online thanks to Google and the Israel Museum, find out more about these ancient religious documents’ significance.
Like · · Share · 20 minutes ago

Verna Sciscoe

February 9, 2010

Verna Sciscoe MVP Award goes to Sarah Palin…. for running interference for the Gooper’s ….while they reinvent themselves w/o admitting wrong… V.

 commented on Marshia Armstrong‘s status.
Verna likes Joe McDermott‘s photo.

Verna Sciscoe I had heard about this….

New robes for the US Supreme Court
Verna Sciscoe Sarah Palin did her job in the campaign… she was brought on to take the public eyes off John McCain…now what is her ….JOB?… V.
Verna Sciscoe 7 am…. morning temperature inversion setting in…. getting chilly ….

Verna Sciscoe RT @CreditLoan: Money is a tool, not a solution

Verna Sciscoe What if Sarah Palin wrote notes on hand …got confused at podium/read her …GYN appt notes…my original steph can borrow this. @SMShow
Verna Sciscoe RT @MisterCurtis: Where is our winter! everywhere else got one. hell, we barely got rain! and this is the pacific NW I’m talking about here.

Verna Sciscoe What if Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address on his hand… no camera/recording equip then… Palin old man’s heart beat away/Prez

Verna Sciscoe RT @scottyno: And with the conclusion of the Superbowl, another eating season mercifully ends.

Verna Sciscoe RT @KIRO7Seattle: Chopper 7 just flew over new 747-8 a/ 1st flight. Pilot Clark Stahl & @KIRO7RickPrice teaming up to preview 10am take-off.

Verna Sciscoe Stephanie Miller radio show …great this am…. load it with her name and dot com…. twitter changes when I write it out

Verna Sciscoe ‘Single Men Want to get to know you’…oh yeah,… “I” want to get to know “me”… still working on that one… V.

Verna Sciscoe Not going to ‘Date Over 50 Men’… not considering dating even the AM only have to think about is me…V.

Verna Sciscoe Not Religious ..Woke 4 am not yet read/radio/tv… felt something strange in … came up w/Psalm 139 ..V.

Verna Sciscoe Stopping all Sunday buses will hurt elderly/poor fam/church/outings, child visitations… city small businesses and shops…just saying..V.

Verna Sciscoe STUDIES for spending alone/spending money w/o really doing anything..cut real aid elswhere, considering to stop ALL Sunday buses.
Verna Sciscoe Of all the waste in the city/county/state on STUDIES for spending alone/spending money w/o really doing anything..cut real aid elswhere.

Verna Sciscoe RT @EQWatch: M 6.4, southwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan

Verna Sciscoe How is the weather on the east coast?….We had 58 today… we are saving cold rainy days for summer.
Verna Sciscoe All kidding aside… haven’t watched a single football game this year…wish the Saints well.. 1st time/…winner/mardi gras for NO
 Isn’t writing test questions on the hand something …. middle school losers did?

Verna Sciscoe RT @eddiescorz22: RT @Mohner5 Sarah Palin Caught Reading Her Tea Party Speech Off Her Hand: ?t

Verna Sciscoe RT @ToDoInTX: Durango Texas: Visiting Fort Worth Trinity River Ghosts, Sinkholes .. on Saturday … #Texas #Tonight

Verna Sciscoe Silly Bowl Menu: Steelhead Salmon on grill,… HUGE Crab salad….Crock Pot of Chili ready to turn on at midnight… enormous Apple Crisp
Verna Sciscoe Watching …. ‘Beauty Shop’…. Lativa…. cool…. Just had idea…. I need to do over my art studio….
Verna Sciscoe Watching …. ‘Beauty Shop’…. Lativa…. cool….
Verna Sciscoe RT @jfkfan: RT @ELDING Chris Matthews on Palin’s speech: “For a moment, I forgot she was stupid.|CLANG !* WE HAVE A WINNER !

 Verna Sciscoe Watching …’Waiting to Exhale’ for the second time today… took my girls as teens to see the movie… they needed the info …. heh heh heh… V.
 Reading the…. Desiderata …. again after all these years…. how true…. good stuff…. V.
Verna became a fan of Verna Sciscoe Realty News. ·

Verna Sciscoe

We are going to come out of this stronger than ever. We will have a new open truly free market. The old business template that got us into this mess will be gone. No longer will the people fall for the old way of housing…
February 4 at 11:48pm ·
Verna Sciscoe 2008 check it out….
Barack Obama’s Record Housing: In the U.S. Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis began…
Verna Sciscoe Some of my earlier stuff…. V.
Is it time for a National Homestead Act? 1. The American home to be exempt from all debt and stand alone as a surety for mortgage. 2…
February 4 at 11:33pm ·
 Verna Sciscoe Listening to Coast to Coast… 453 people saw a flying saucer….. watching msnbc w/caption on….. laptop on multiple screens….

Verna Sciscoe RT @WhitleyStrieber: Saw Paranormal Activity finally. Bored me. My real life now is scarier. In the past, FAR scarier.

Verna Sciscoe RT @ajerf: RT @dipnote: Sec. Clinton: We will maintain unwavering commitment Article 5 of the #NATO Treaty. #hillarytravel
Verna Sciscoe There was a Muppet that had ..stereo cones for ears… his name was … Radio…. walked thru the set saying…. radio, radio, radio..

Verna Sciscoe 6am to 9 am ..PST …..RADIO ….. Stephanie Miller radio show…..

Verna Sciscoe Watched …’Gothic’ ..early evening…. it used to terrify me…. after living 2 mos w/5 housemates….. it makes it look tame… V.

February 2009

March 26, 2009

Did not Watch….news or radio or TV today….

For starters:

The weekend programming drops at least 50 IQ points, 

The commercials are longer and more of them.

The networks did not get any rating points from me for CPAC.

VOTE with the REMOTE….V.


Fewer people are on social networks and blogs tonight….maybe they are out spending money and enjoying themselves….YEAH…..

Sadly, others are missing from this site for other reasons….they just got fed up…..V.

Dear Media…Have you ask any regular republicans about what they think about the direction the party is going?

I mean, like in front of a building when people are going out to lunch, they would all be republicans….they are the only ones left with credit cards, expense accounts for lunch out these days….

I mean like in a shopping area, do a man on the street thing,….


How do you view the people at the seemingly top of your party?

What did you think of the CPAC?

what did you think of the CPAC Agenda?

What did you think of the CPAC Speakers?

I mean a real basic repub feed back on these questions…should be interesting.

I think that maybe only 20% of them would know what you are talking about.

They just mindlessly vote repub to identify themselves with what they perceive as power and money….blindly walking over the cliff….V.

Anyone else get a phone call from a ..Teresa Brae…?

She called me a couple of days ago…used the Obama name frequently….was doing the contact for ….Organizing for Obama?….I checked…she has many new profiles on this site all …NEW…

Her number did not ID on my cell phone,…she is listed as a ‘call center DC’…among other things..

What is up with this?…V.

I am encouraged…hopeful…and not worried…I put my personal agenda aside….I have it difficult…by any standard…but …nothing to compare to most folks.

Did you read the post down page that folks were walking out of their homes and only taking what they could put in a car….is this the beginning of…the days of …the new….THE GRAPES OF WRATH?

I have been worried about it for a long time…anyone who does not know what I am writing about….rent the movie…and/or …read the book…rich people drove by and threw dust in the faces of people walking down the road with what belongings they could carry.

We do not have to wait for the Stim Package to write us a check….we can and should help each other out.

We need to organize our town groups and formulate a plan to store goods and distribute help…temp house families, children to go to school…that is the most cruel thing lf all

Having to leave your home with school children….no bed to go to sleep in…to kitchen for making meals…no bathroom and shower…no washer and dryer….and to go to school and face your fellow students…It happened to my children because of a divorce.

I have first hand knowledge of what that feels like…suddenly your children on sleeping on the sofa of neighbors who can take them to school the next day….and the courts gave my ex my house and my money…..It happened to a family in our town this week…the stay at home mom has two children and a part time job….

The ex got the house and his job and does not pay….she is worried sick.

We have to help these people….the Courts need to award the house to the mom and the kids…as a matter of fact… is heartless to think that children do not have a ‘financial stake’ in the home.

 Just the adults….it is the kids home as well…dead beat dads are cruel to know that they WON the suit and brag to there friends…like they are VINDICATED for bad behavior….

My situation was 20 years ago…but others are going through it now…with loss of jobs and foreclosures….I feel for the teens….be good to them….alcohol and drugs are not stress relief…and is a bad thing for teens too..

We need to organize…maybe someone has a store out of business, warehouse, barn, farm, something….to let people store things in…or put to share with others….food pantry….we all got to help.

I ache for my countrymen…but I trust my President to work on the big stuff…we have to put our hands out to others…he can only do so much…V.   Big Eddy Shultz on the radio this afternoon had a lot of comedic material with the Repub CPAC….you can imagine….

I almost forgot how bad my throat hurt…and here I am, having an outofbody experience with the pain….and laughing my insides out…..

Checked my email,….took some over the counter sinus stuff….and got a junk email….’make her moan in bed’….heck I wish I were up and about….

4 plus inches of SNOW…..back to the emails….I got this too….to funny

I was confused when I heard the word ‘service’  used with these agencies. 

Internal Revenue ‘Service’ 
U.S. Postal ‘Service’ 
Telephone ‘Service’ 
Cable TV ‘Service’  
Civil  ‘Service’ 
State, City, County & Public   ‘Service’ 
Customer ‘Service’ 

This is not what I  thought ‘service’ meant.

But today, I overheard two farmers talking,

and one of them said he had hired a bull to

‘service’ a few cows.  BAM!!!  It all came into focus.

Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.  

Now you are as enlightened as I am.

I just caught you guys post…I am getting ‘crusty’…I know it. 

I just don’t like the

A.  Web Site Mess…

B. The sly ‘ole MR FOX and gang…they being stupid is one thing…but the masses that still watch them and keep them on the air is another…they must have wall paper glue for brains…

I have a vicious sore throat that is a total distraction….home for the day,,,it is dark and snowy since about 11 am…..I appologize for my attitude and will nap ….catch you later….V.

Accountability and Transparency”We cannot overstate the importance of this effort. We are asking the American people to trust their government with an unprecedented level of funding to address the economic emergency. In return, we must prove to them that their dollars are being invested in initiatives and strategies that make a difference in their communities and across the country. Following through on our commitments for accountability and openness will create a foundation upon which we can build as we continue to tackle the economic crisis and the many other challenges facing our nation.”

Memorandum to Head of Departments and Agencies, February 9, 2009


The President has made it clear that every taxpayer dollar spent on our economic recovery must be subject to unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability.  He has identified five crucial objectives for Federal agencies, to ensure that:

  • Recovery funds are awarded and distributed in a prompt, fair, and reasonable manner;
  • The recipients and uses of all recovery funds are transparent to the public, and that the public benefits of these funds are reported clearly, accurately, and in a timely manner;
  • Recovery funds are used for authorized purposes and every step is taken to prevent instances of fraud, waste, error, and abuse;
  • Projects funded under the recovery legislation avoid unnecessary delays and cost overruns; and,
  • Programs meet specific goals and targets, and contribute to improved performance on broad economic indicators.

To meet these objectives, the President is directing Federal agencies to take critical steps in preparation for the Act’s implementation.  See here, for the White House’s February 9, 2009 initial implementation memorandum and February 18 detailed guidance memorandum.

Blue Posters and Trolls ….take note….

I was concieved not far from and right after the Roswell Incident of possible Alien Landing Craft crashing in the desert sands….

i was ther many times in the few years after to view the ground with my family……before it was a tourist attraction….V.

I turned on really early, woke up sick with a terrible throat and bronchial infection….5 am…silently flipped through news channels with the mute on and text on the screen. 

If you look at the written test you can see what a mess McCain’s talk was….nightmare,..what if that was the Address To Congress Speech that was presented last night.

If you could get a written text of that media spot….what a convoluted mess that was…truly Repub sicko…non-speech…and why did John McCain have Sarah Palin sitting behind him in the Address to Congress and some of the Congressional Members have to stand in the Aisle during the speech…is this not ….’AN ADDRESS TO CONGRESS’?  and honored guest sit in the balcony?

Add it to Sarah Palin’s Tab to Alaska…for expenditures she owes her state for family travel….

the Federal Tab..Sarah Palin..a SEAT IN CONGRESS…..V.

The ‘de facto’ ‘homeowner’ is the BANK,….

……They just wanted to get signatures on paper…to sell the paper….get it?

……They did not care if the ‘contract holder’…could pay or not…if they said NO…you can’t afford it and we will not loan on that house at that price….it would not have happened.

Bank:…de facto owner of huge lists of property

……..leveraged the ‘paper’ for extending more ‘loans’ to be ‘de facto’ owner of more property to get more ‘paper’ on

……..has a lein on the foreclosed ‘buyer’ for unpaid difference PLUS COSTS TO TAKE BACK THEIR OWN PROPERTY

……..will resell the property to another ‘buyer’ for…’PAPER’





….How many times did they flip ‘collectively’ houses made out of ‘Ticky Tacky’….and poor construction products….it just had to last for about 10 years….


House of ‘PAPER’ Cards finally fell down as all Pyramid Schemes do….V.

‘BLUE INK BABIES’….Write in Blue ink and have not yet leared to communicate.

‘Wallies’…or ‘Wall Eyes’….as in Wall Street Sharks

‘Trash Tenders’…as in Talking Heads that only deal in Trash…

Like Trash Tenders, Boats that are Garbage Trucks on Water.

Wine Drinking Chowder Heads……that only respond to input from other

‘Wine Drinking Chowder Heads’…..which makes for ‘Group Think’…



If the moderators of this site do not control the ‘BLUE INK BABIES’…..

‘BLUE INK BABIES’….Write in Blue ink and have not yet learned to communicate.

I will think the DNC encourages and promotes it to drive off the first page ….

Controversial Material….they would have to respond to …V.

The ‘de facto’ ‘homeowner’ is the BANK,….

……They just wanted to get signatures on paper…to sell the paper….get it?

……They did not care if the ‘contract holder’…could pay or not…if they said NO…you can’t afford it and we will not loan on that house at that price….it would not have happened.

Bank:…de facto owner of huge lists of property

……..leveraged the ‘paper’ for extending more ‘loans’ to be ‘de facto’ owner of more property to get more ‘paper’ on

……..has a lein on the foreclosed ‘buyer’ for unpaid difference PLUS COSTS TO TAKE BACK THEIR OWN PROPERTY

……..will resell the property to another ‘buyer’ for…’PAPER’





….How many times did they flip ‘collectively’ houses made out of ‘Ticky Tacky’….and poor construction products….it just had to last for about 10 years….


House of ‘PAPER’ Cards finally fell down as all Pyramid Schemes do….V.

I turned on really early, woke up sick with a terrible throat and bronchial infection….5 am…silently flipped through news channels with the mute on and text on the screen. 

If you look at the written test you can see what a mess McCain’s talk was….nightmare,..what if that was the Address To Congress Speech that was presented last night.

If you could get a written text of that media spot….what a convoluted mess that was…truly Repub sicko…non-speech…and why did John McCain have Sarah Palin sitting behind him in the Address to Congress and some of the Congressional Members have to stand in the Aisle during the speech…is this not ….’AN ADDRESS TO CONGRESS’?  and honored guest sit in the balcony?

Add it to Sarah Palin’s Tab to Alaska…for expenditures she owes her state for family travel….

the Federal Tab..Sarah Palin..a SEAT IN CONGRESS…..V.

If I hear one more word about the ‘irresponsible’ buyers I will blow a gasket……not good.

IF THE $$#%ing {I listened to Stephanie Miller radio this morning.  I am an old dame learning to get to the point quicker]

IF THE #$%#ing ….BANKERS, AND APPRAISERS, and GREEDY Wall Street loan packagers,…

didn’t give loans on inflated prices….to PERSONS who could not afford them….




You are welcome to move to a country where the President, Leader, King, Grand Poo Bah….

is not concerned with Jobs, the economy, health care, infrastucture, and your Blah, Blah, Blah,……

Bon Voyage…V.

I did not research it…I remember what a disappointment last years speech was…I was STILL A REPUBLICAN THEN….saying….give us something we need….what we got was …talk about …we were in deep waters then…..the Iraq war was bloody and unsure day to day….play that sucker again and listen to it before you say a word about this year’s speech…a small town constable couid have made a better speech than BUSH LAST YEAR….

REPUBS and RIGHT ‘WING NUTS’  go to a weekend retreat or convention or something….we are doing well without you….no need to sh0w up …you don’t want to read the bills,…vote….just collect your pay and pan for the cameras….

BUSH SPEECH LAST YEAR……LAURA..which was nice…THE GIRLS….which was stilted…..BARNEY….which was overdone…AND …HEH…HEH…HEH….double speak….words….no substance….







Sly …’ole MR FOX……when you think the lies could not get any more profound and stupid.,…


Blamed  President Obama’s activities to move the Stock Market down… the approval rating for him an his actions…..

[parapharased….’the stock market move down 3xx points the day of the stimulus bill,….the stock market moved down 3xx points the day of…..the stock market moved down 3xx points the day of… in showing disapproval rating for Barack Obama’…..

There were 3 of them, …now I tell you,…was it a disaproval rating….

or afraid the game was up on unchecked greed….

or were they in the men’s room changing their underwear?……V.


January 2009

March 26, 2009

As I type I am in a ….HABILITAT FOR HUMANITY ..meeting

What are you doing?

Each day reach out to do one thing, if only to support and encourage others…V.

HUSH RUSH…Words from this morning’s  Sly ‘ole Mr FOX…Rush was a call in guest to rebut Obama’s message ‘…for Republicans to stop listening to Rush…’

All he did was a proliferation of words that were over generalized and did not say anything of one line of message you could quote…just..’words’.

I quit listening to him …even just to find out what the ‘nut wad’ was saying now….

not even worth giving him the …blip on the ratings radar screen…V.

Thank you for the numbers on FOX news…i did not think they had that kind of viewership…I was surprised…

All during the campaign and since..I mention Olberman, Maddow, Air America hosts etc to Dems…they do not listen to radio..or TV..that much..and really do not care for particulars…I am sorry that the thread went so far off course from your text…

I Have a real problem getting long time friends who are repubs to leave me alone…it is like they are drugged or something….

They want to know if I am…..’Feeling Alright’…I must be having problems if I went…Dem….It is crazy…they sound like RUSH TO NEWS…V.

Conservative Media Outlets….the days before the Inauguration,…you were surmising that he should have ….LESS…than 100 days to work on things….because he had a head start with an early transition…..will we have  a full retraction of those statements…is this fast enough for you.

I believed him to be the best, intelligent, and proactive….but I am in absolute admiration of the Man we elected ….Well done…hardly describes it….

All of the world should be talking about the great job he is doing….

Thank you Mr. President from all us us here…..V.

I heard there was a ‘todo’ about it coming at 8 am EST….I am PST and can’t find anything on it….did not RUSH to the radio either…can anyone give me a heads up….

Giving up my cat that passed yesterday…V.

Coast To Coast is discussing…micro chips…in people and animals…and not to use search engines like Google to look things up because it is all recorded….well if they want to track a ‘ole dame like me…they are just wasting there time….I just am not that interesting….have a very simple life…and no vices….sooooo…….SEARCH ON…..GOOOOOGLE ROCKS….

I have so  many things on my GOOOOOGLE page…….web cams from all over the world….I can see snow in Japan….web cams in major cities….it is an application   that changes web cams from all over the world….I have the application of the slide show of the Smithsonian….and another of Art Galleries around the world….all on one page….

And the NEW YORK TIMES….puzzles that are interactive….you can just click on it and type…or ask the answer….its not cheating…you learn stuff like that.

AAANNNDDD…..I forgot to mention….that color puzzle that works like TETRIS…remember TETRIS…I got …TETRA SIZED….A LONG TIME AGO….

I also have….SCRABBLE BLAST…my last score was just short of 190,000….it is frustrating…you just can’t get much higher….I have it on two computers…worked it for years….can’t hardly pay attention to much else….totally addicted…

Soooo…..the trade off of using GOOOOOGLE….what they are getting from me….is minuscule…to what I get from them……toooooo   cooool….V.

Dear Clarence….AKA …Buddy…My Rescue Cat….I miss you tonight….curled up here on your blanket on my bed….next to my laptop…as I type to my Obama Family….I know you are not sick and I miss you terribly….

I am going to help others in your memory….You have your picture on one of my Cause Pages on Facebook as the Mascot….you will be the mascot of the things I do for others….rest well my…Buddy….I would usually reach over right know and rub your ears….they get cool about this time of night…I put your little body in a box and it is out on my Potting Table…I will miss you this spring as I work on the garden and my potting table….

We will do good things as I volunteer…and remember…i rescued you…I can help rescue people.

Good night my friend…thank you for coming up in the yard that morning…Sept 11, 2009 as I sat in the garden….feeling sad about the re runs of the 9/11 tapes and turned the TV off and went outside….you came up to me and put your paw up on my knee…to comfort me….we watched the elections news together and the work we did together late at night writing ….thank you for …

adopting me….V.

My Obama Family….please save me from my ‘Right Wing Nut’ friends…and the radio idiot that said…..IT WAS A …WIN FOR THE REPUBS TODAY….NOT ONE OF THEM VOTED FOR THE BILL….HOW …KRAZY….K…R…A…Z…Y….CAN YOU GET.

My rescue cat passed this life today…it is my first night with my lap top that he is not curled up beside me…he was older and I took him to the vet and got antibiotics for him….he got over his ‘KITTY COLD’….but did not eat or drink…except what I used a syringe and put down him…he passed today….Clareance..AKA…Buddy….was so smart and such a gentleman….we telepathy to each other….

 My Right ‘Wing Nut’ …friend that moved to Canada ‘sorta’ long time friend I told I could not deal with her issues….called a few minutes ago …she is in town in her Condo that her mother paid for her…as opposed to the Condo her mother paid for her in Victoria….asked if I was ….’feeling better’ and ‘wanted to talk’…not about my cat…she was sure I was not well for telling her off……she had sent me an email….after I told her to …’GO AWAY’….that maybe…I…YES…I…WAS HAVING A BAD DAY……


My posts go to my Facebook ….she will probably read this…..GET OVER YOURSELF AND GO AWAY.

2010  Elections….What is going on in your Area….Who’s your next pick for office in mid-terms?

Let’s find out….we gotta start working on it now….we can organize and work for next elections in all areas…what’s the buzz?

The GOPUSA…is all about the mid-terms….we grass roots people have a job to do…

Okay…so I am the only one up at this hour….I have no critical statements for the media…they have been doing a great job….but I let that….Sly ‘ole Mr FOX…alone…not even curious about what he is up to anymore….he will fall in his own trap…you wait and see….V.

RWN’s….Right ‘Wing Nuts’

Whew…had an odd day…Clareance…aka ..Buddy …my cat…I picked him up this morning to carry him out to go around the house for his morning ‘duty’.  I put him down and he …FELL OVER…he can’t stand up or walk…he has been sick…the vet put him on antibiotics…and hydration injections…I have been squirting water down his throat…he does not eat…the kitty cold and coughing are over …but he is so weak…and lost all his weight…that was a beginning on today.

COLD, SNOW RAIN….I ditched going into sales meeting this morning to stay with Buddy,…not much encouragement to stay home this morning needed….the market is low….office quiet…weather bad…Buddy sick…but I did go in at 2 pm


A Facebook note from a childhood friend in Texas….my Facebook notes appear on her site as well because the sites are joined with comments on each….not to post ….”the ideas of our president on her site”

These folks will never …GET IT…like the Dutch community just north of us….couldn’t beat them over the head with a wooden shoe for the  ‘Religious Rightist’….Repub junk….

THANK GOD…THEY ARE THE….NEW MINORITY….all of the rest of us FREETHINKERS…I do not see any HOPE for them…..They will never allow themselves to see how bad the last administration was…or what has been done for us in less than a week….I pray for them…V.

 have been reading a lot of pages tonight trying to get some bad emails and posts to my other sites from old friends who are ….you guessed it…

RIGHT ‘WING NUTS’…It does my heart good to see that phrase picked up in other posts and even the media and press….

this was in a post about 5 pages back…I will post again with credit to the writer…I just had to post this to get over my ‘wing nut’ rant for tonight.

To read all of it go to:


To ALL REPUBLICANSBy consciencious objector – Jan 27th, 2009 at 2:40 pm EST this is the last portion  of this post:







Yes its clothes…and that is part of the mystic of being a great First Lady….

Do some history of the Inaugural Dresses of the recent FLOTUS..

Mrs Carter wore…an ancient neck ruffles gauze thing she wore to his Gov Inauguration

Hillary wore…the ugliest red and white checked suit and dress coat that was a blurr on the media…cameras to not do checks well…it made her huge hips look awful and when they got out of the limo in the parade…it was ghastly.

The Inaugural Gown goes to the Smithsonian on a wax figure with all the prior First Ladies…so yes it is important…

And yes, we are going to see some fashion from Michelle as well as good common sense dressing…and raw intelligence….she will outshine any other First Lady and be more important than Jackie Kennedy….because she is modern, more active, and sooo…now…..V.

More ‘new’ postal stamps…enough already.
This has long been a contention of mine.

First of all, the USPS, is not part of the US Gov, like the IRS, and a whole host of services we think are, they are ‘contracted entities’…with contractual right to use…US…blah, blah, blah.

Most design stamps do not have the amount on them.  I have some ‘Tulip’ stamps that no one can tell me the denomination…I did not ask for design stamps, just went for ‘stamps’.

Only the Liberty Bell stamps are ..’forever’ stamps and can be used ‘forever’ to deliver mail..they do not say ‘forever’ or denomination either.

I think a good case for attempts to deceive are in order for the stamps…they probably get a bit write off or federal monies for ‘DEVELOPEMENT AND DESIGN’….


The answer to all of this is ….;don’t….as much as I think it was atrocious for the things that happened…should not have to anyone ever on the planet….

ans the right’wing nuts’ would go crazy with this one…not to close it after saying you would

Here is the deal…..Just stop torturing them…give them trials at Gitmo….

If you are transferring them just to close it…because of the bad time it was…to try to get another prison to take them…or another country…they are already in prison in another country….

Humane treatment…open inspections by global inspectors….world court trial…fair treatment

those that are not terrorists when they are picked up.,.have to be nearly crazy now.

Make amends to their families….cheaper than transfer to another country…send them home.

The bad ones….leave them at Gitmo….let the Iraqis go to Gitmo and guard them….

Mortgage Alert….the post below about the mortgage bankers and the amendment for allowing the home to go to bankruptcy…..

What i know about it from hearing it in my industry….

1.  If you are in danger of defaulting on your mortgage….you have heard….talk to your banker and try to work it out…..BECAUSE THE BANKERS WANT TO BE THE FIRST TO KNOW.

2.  I have seen ….people with the bank notified….put the house on the market as indanger,…bailout…or short sale…[foreclosure in the making]…the bank has to sign off on ALL paperwork to sell any home tha is mortgaged…..

What I have seen:…multi-offers sent to banks on one house….they are not even seen by the person in charge of that file….they just stack them up and do not even return the call to the realtors….FOR SALE BY OWNER…or anyone else…..





D. RESALE THE HOME AT TOP DOLLAR …BANK OWNED…THROUGH THEIR PET REATOR….Someone who gets all they have for sale….at a discounted commission….and




Bankruptcy laws should cover this….not another AMENDMENT…hidden on the coatails and buried in yet another piece of legislation…..go back to….HOW WAS IT CHANGED IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Then fix that…..V.


He has worked harder than the last 8 years, you know…ole …’whats his name’…and he has not been there a week yet…..

He has literally taken the world on his shoulders….and nerves.

He needs some R and R….get him to some …HOOPS…..AND …OR …CAMP DAVID…

At least for over night ….we need him…

Congress and the Media need to catch up with him anyway…they are behind a few years.

….Just Thinking about the Man….V.

Could this be the first ….public project?….A first …YES WE CAN….CHANGE….PROJECT?

After all it is winter,…the growing season is slow now and it does not have to be put in blade for blade repaired….something has gotta give…21 Million would feed and shelter a lot of seniors and homeless….some of them would do it too….V.

Are you sure all of the ….uh….Grass…is going to get put on the lawn?
Probably could get the job done with volunteers and the seed….don’t you think there is a little graft in 21 million?…now come on!!!…it is expensive but even a half million would be a lot for grass?…..what are they putting down…Marajauna?…V.

We could all list a wish list for something ….most of us need things but are fighting for the common good…..the poor and the sick served first….amen.

A lot of people came on board for single purposes….

but we all stayed and fought hard for CHANGE and the MAN to be PRESIDENT…..


The Right ‘Wing Nuts’ think that we here….are all painted with the same brush….they have to be blind…look at the pictures and the tapes of the campaign events…look at the tapes of the crowds.


The media should be doing live documentary of the days in office….instead of the talking head thing…that will be usless air time by next week….V.

December 2008

March 26, 2009
This is going to be the toughest job handed to an elected official…maybe any man living so far….a nation as large and mighty as the United States of America….and the Ship of State is in rough seas….Bless him and keep him and his loved ones as they sleep tonight…..for soon he will have all he can handle….Blessings Barack Obama….rest well and don’t worry…it will all work out well….V.

hello media,…time for that extra cup o coffee….make notes for todays programs…I know you are out there….

Here’s the deal……


And God bless the women, children, oldsters, peacemakers, and innocents, caught up in it.

If we can’t stop it,….leave….put our military, and support personell, on planes and ships and bring them home…leave all the weapons….and everything else…they will either have peace or all kill each other….either way …we win….You can’t fix Stupid…to quote Ron White.

We need to return to battle field warfare for them…all those that want to fight go out and when the last man stands….that side wins…end of story…

As I count it:

War in iraq

War in Afghanistan

War Isralies and Palestinians.

Indea and Pakastan have troops on the border….LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST.

I watched the movie produced, directed, narrarated, and starred in by John Huston ‘THE BIBLE’ on TV tonight….the same people were fighting about the same silly things….BRING OUR TROOPS HOME…..before anymore of the darlings get hurt or killed…..V.

Religion Says:

Empty the church of the Unwashed and Odd….we have to worship God.

Make a donation….we have the church to support,

A well kept fortress,….a Pious Port.

Take no note of anyone not like us…If they were like us they would not make such a fuss.

And of course should your circumstances change, you must have done something off the radar range.

Spirituality says:

Why are your doors closed but for a few hours a week? 

When out in the cold are the sick, hopeless, and meek.

Everyone marvels at the glory of your building, magnificent and strong.

To refuse shelter in its spreading arms is wrong.

90 days without a paycheck, an illness, or bad luck,

Can make you one of these and no one will hear you

When you scream…….&%#$….!

This is an original item I just wrote….it expressed my feelings so well.

Right “Wing Nuts”….how dare you push your piety and spite out the hatred and evil hate speech,….and want others to think you are the better of the People….I am to Spiritual to be called the modern social definintion of Christian…or Republican…or Conservative…Eat my dust….V.


hello media,…time for that extra cup o coffee….make notes for todays programs…I know you are out there….

Here’s the deal……


And God bless the women, children, oldsters, peacemakers, and innocents, caught up in it.

If we can’t stop it,….leave….put our military, and support personell, on planes and ships and bring them home…leave all the weapons….and everything else…they will either have peace or all kill each other….either way …we win….You can’t fix Stupid…to quote Ron White.

We need to return to battle field warfare for them…all those that want to fight go out and when the last man stands….that side wins…end of story…

As I count it:

War in iraq

War in Afghanistan

War Isralies and Palestinians.

Indea and Pakastan have troops on the border….LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST.

I watched the movie produced, directed, narrarated, and starred in by John Huston ‘THE BIBLE’ on TV tonight….the same people were fighting about the same silly things….BRING OUR TROOPS HOME…..before anymore of the darlings get hurt or killed…..V.

hello media,…time for that extra cup o coffee….make notes for todays programs…I know you are out there….

Here’s the deal……


And God bless the women, children, oldsters, peacemakers, and innocents, caught up in it.

If we can’t stop it,….leave….put our military, and support personell, on planes and ships and bring them home…leave all the weapons….and everything else…they will either have peace or all kill each other….either way …we win….You can’t fix Stupid…to quote Ron White.

We need to return to battle field warfare for them…all those that want to fight go out and when the last man stands….that side wins…end of story…

As I count it:

War in iraq

War in Afghanistan

War Isralies and Palestinians.

Indea and Pakastan have troops on the border….LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST.

I watched the movie produced, directed, narrarated, and starred in by John Huston ‘THE BIBLE’ on TV tonight….the same people were fighting about the same silly things….BRING OUR TROOPS HOME…..before anymore of the darlings get hurt or killed…..V.

My Facebook Cause page….Bring Our Troops Home …Now…please join and make it the biggest site on Facebook….make a statement….


Another link sent to me that is great…alternative mediation as a way of problem solving in the Middle East and a it is a great read on the site…


Pray for our Troops….safety and safe journey home…call on what ever truth leads you…the time is now….V.



hello media,…time for that extra cup o coffee….make notes for todays programs…I know you are out there….

Here’s the deal……


And God bless the women, children, oldsters, peacemakers, and innocents, caught up in it.

If we can’t stop it,….leave….put our military, and support personell, on planes and ships and bring them home…leave all the weapons….and everything else…they will either have peace or all kill each other….either way …we win….You can’t fix Stupid…to quote Ron White.

We need to return to battle field warfare for them…all those that want to fight go out and when the last man stands….that side wins…end of story…

As I count it:

War in iraq

War in Afghanistan

War Isralies and Palestinians.

Indea and Pakastan have troops on the border….LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST.

I watched the movie produced, directed, narrarated, and starred in by John Huston ‘THE BIBLE’ on TV tonight….the same people were fighting about the same silly things….BRING OUR TROOPS HOME…..before anymore of the darlings get hurt or killed…..V.

hello media,…time for that extra cup o coffee….make notes for todays programs…I know you are out there….

Here’s the deal……


And God bless the women, children, oldsters, peacemakers, and innocents, caught up in it.

If we can’t stop it,….leave….put our military, and support personell, on planes and ships and bring them home…leave all the weapons….and everything else…they will either have peace or all kill each other….either way …we win….You can’t fix Stupid…to quote Ron White.

We need to return to battle field warfare for them…all those that want to fight go out and when the last man stands….that side wins…end of story…

As I count it:

War in iraq

War in Afghanistan

War Isralies and Palestinians.

Indea and Pakastan have troops on the border….LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST.

I watched the movie produced, directed, narrarated, and starred in by John Huston ‘THE BIBLE’ on TV tonight….the same people were fighting about the same silly things….BRING OUR TROOPS HOME…..before anymore of the darlings get hurt or killed…..V.

States, Counties and Cities, could save millions, by going to the 4 day work week.  Not extended hours, not 4 tens, just 4 days….so many offices that are non-essential could save utilities, staff, and related costs by going to 4 days….even if they hired an extra person here and there or part timers and interns for the busy 4 days…..

It would save the money for the essential services that are being cut.  Children services, art and music in schools, and people that are losing their jobs entirely could be saved….we all can do our part….

Small business could save the same way by closing, say Sunday, Monday and Tuesday….once everyone got used to it….we would do the same amount of business….and know what days we used if it was uniform…..

The biggest savings would be on fuel……heating and air conditioning,….fuel of people driving to work….the enviornment….pocket books… care… would be streamlined and efficient…V.


and after Mr. Grinch stole Christmas….and had it all tied up in a bag and was going to push it over a cliff….he waited to hear the crying and nashing of teeth in Whooville below…..and the sounds of laughter and song where heard….

Mr. Grinch, “Maybe Christmas does not come from a store,….maybe it means much more,”

45 minutes until Christmas morning….and off to see my family….and feast….I am sure they will have roast beast….and have traded way too much stuff… pretty bows and fluff….i will come to dinner and remember the poor,….I am sure Christmas means so much more.

The ‘wing nuts’ will gorge the homeless, and turn them out in the cold.  Empty the church of the unwashed and odd…..we have to clean up the place and worship God….V.

Makes me think I would like to watch the Grinch Who Stole Christmas….Whooville…..on parade.

Let me know when the new Millienum starts….January 20, 2009.

Michelle Obama will be the First Lady with a late Birthday present….The Rose Garden…..V.

Twas the Night Before Inauguration
By John Cobarruvias

T’was the night before inauguration and what to my dismay
The market was tanking, I lost my 401K!
The stocks were hung, in downfall they stuck
While Bush did nothing, a truly lame duck

The republicans were nestled, their heads in the sand
With visions of defeat of the republican brand.
And Cheney with his gun, his heart a pace
Looking for someone, to shoot in the face.

When out on the house floor, there came such a clatter
I sprang to the internets to find what’s the matter.
Away to my screen I ran with a flash
Hoping the market, didn’t crash.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Showed me someone I needed to know.
When what to my eyes, I paused, with a comma
But a vision of hope, It was Barack Obama!

With excitement and conviction in each of his steps
I wondered what he and his el ves, w ould do next.
More rapid than eagles his appointments they came
And he whistled and shouted, and called them by name.

Now Emanuel! Now, Dashle! Now Richardson and Biden!
On, Clinton , On Napolitano, and Gates, no sense in hiding!
To fix the economy, our reputation and more.
And to stop the killing of this unnecessary war.

As Obama stood still, the republicans they trembled
Remembering 8 years of a disaster they had assembled.
They’ve broken our banks, and doubled our debt.
They scared us to death with weapons of threats.

They squandered a surplus, They started a war.
They shredded our constitution, littered on the floor.
They attack our unions, our immigrants and those who are gay.
They claim to be Christians, yet on the sick they prey.

Winter Dehydration …  It can cause a bad attitude, fussiness in children, short tempers in others, in mild forms….headaches, muscle cramps, back and kidney aches… it.

It is easy to tuck in on wintry days and not drink anything but coffee and chocolate….coupled with dry air…can cause mild dehyration…in any form can make the body react without seeminly cause.

Heat a pan of water to just warm drinking temp, put in a cup with a splash of juice, or small piece of peppermint, or just a pinch of cinnamon and half teaspoon of sugar….give to children and oldsters as well….several times a day is good….at least once a day….give children fluids in the form of a water, or water base non-stiumulating drink….V.

Just want an at home Griswold Christmas. We have old fashion lights on the house and shrubs, Sent Christmas cards, tree to the ceiling, and over decorated, 6 strands of twinkle lites and little wooden red apples and boxes of gold, blue, and red balls. But that is all I want…Seattle is 60 miles away, do not want to go to Christmas Day and back that night. We have 8 inches of snow in Bellingham. Train is broken, buses stopped, Seatac closed, …so what…..its Christmas if I have the lights on safe and warm at home with Christmas on the TV… Christmas Eve….order hot steaming Pizza from the Pizza Pipeline in Bellingham, ….walk to the Catholic Church for mid night mass…..I am not catholic…married twice to catholics ….spent more time in mass than most….curl up in new red flannel pajamas….get a box of pastries for Christmas morning from Avenue Bread….watch Christmas movies all day….eat sandwiches and candy….not do  anything because….’yer supposed to’..oh yeah….bowls and bowls of hot buttered popcorn with parmesean cheese and tons of butter…V.
 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Stranded Sea-Tac Airport passengers hope for the bestLast updated December 21, 2008 6:39 p.m. PT


Hundreds of tired travelers lined up at ticket gates Sunday at Sea-Tac Airport, hoping to find flights and leave the airport, where many had been stranded for more than a day.

Crosswinds at Sea-Tac Airport led to the cancelation or delay of dozens of flights Saturday night and Sunday morning, leaving thousands of people with nowhere to go.

The cancellations hit Alaska Airlines particularly hard, and may continue into Monday. Alaska and Horizon Air canceled all flights at Sea-Tac and Portland International Airport as of 2:45 p.m., in part because of a lack of de-icing fluid. Passengers who live locally were told to go home for the evening, and others were told to make their own hotel arrangements.

A port spokesman said individual airlines are responsible for keeping their own planes de-iced, which is why some planes were still making it out of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Sunday. Two runways remained open.

“It’s kind of a perfect storm,” port spokesman Perry Cooper said. “I’ve had people here for 20 years and they have never seen anything like this.”

While a lack of de-icing fluid made the situation worse, Horizon spokeswoman Jen Boyer said the stretch of bad weather had exhausted the airlines’ crews and equipment during the holiday rush.

“We’ve just been playing catch-up with the weather, that we’re running out of fresh crews and running into maintenance deadlines for the aircraft,” Boyer said. “We still have three days to get everyone home for Christmas, and we’re trying to get everyone there.”

Passengers booked on a canceled flight may re-book on the next available flight without penalty or apply for a full refund of the unused portion of their ticket.

Akiko Onuma, a 21-year-old Scripps College student from California, flew into Sea-Tac on Saturday night from Ontario, Calif. She had a 9 p.m. Saturday connection to Lewiston, Idaho, on Horizon that was canceled.

“There were hordes of people — literally hundreds of people — trying to figure out what to do,” Onuma said.

By the time Onuma got her bag at midnight Saturday all the hotels were booked, she said, so she spent the night at the airport.

Onuma is now hoping to get out Monday morning on a flight to Walla Walla.

Terry Haybert of Tacoma was at the airport with his wife and 5-year-old daughter. He had a 1 p.m. flight to Portland on Sunday, which was canceled.

“This was the biggest mistake ever, we should’ve just driven,” Haybert said of his holiday plans.

Joseph Gudall from Blairstown, N.J., flew from Newark to Seattle, hoping to get to Fairbanks, Alaska, on a 9 p.m. Saturday flight from Seattle. The departure time kept getting pushed back until the flight was canceled at 1 a.m. Sunday, he said.

“It was a sheer disaster,” Gudall said. “I never thought this could happen.”

Gudall is booked on a 9 p.m. Sunday flight to Fairbanks. Gudall is heading to Alaska to visit his daughter.

Alaska Airlines spokesman Paul McElroy said cancelations may continue into Monday if the weather doesn’t improve.

“Since we’re dealing with Mother Nature, it’s really uncertain,” McElroy said. “We’re hopeful that we can resume our schedule Monday, but we’ll have to see.”

On Sunday afternoon, airport staff handed out blankets and pillows to travelers, who were sprawled out over any available space.

Passengers should contact their carriers for flight status before heading to the airport, spokeswoman Terri-Ann Betancourt said.

Passengers whose flights are scheduled to leave Monday should allow extra time to get to the airport and they should expect long lines once they arrive.

People whose flights are canceled, should rebook from home, Betancourt said.

Cooper said heavy winds had died down by early Sunday. But poor weather at airports in the Northwest and around the country remained a problem, he said.

“It’s that systemwide domino effect,” he said.

While airport restaurants and stores did not receive their deliveries Saturday, trucks were able to drop off goods on Sunday morning, Betancourt said.

“We should be OK with concessions,” she said.

Flight status can be found at the airport’s Web site: Those with reservations on Alaska or Horizon can check their flight status online at or, or by phone at 800-252-7522 for Alaska and 800-547-9308 for Horizon.

P-I reporter Brad Wong contributed to this report.

© 1998-2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

I have an adult child that is stranded and can’t get in or out of a mid point stop…..I did not know she was traveling… was none of my business….and it is only getting worse here….V.     This is my first Blog Talk Radio,  BTR, my first program, I did not do a test.  I lowered the register of my voice, and was in a glass dining room. 
The echo and the voice register is not good….however, I did not follow instructions and do a test first.   I read the directions as I was waiting for my first show to start on the clock countdown.  Not a good idea…I will practice the voice quality….V.
In relationship to the amount of time the beautiful day Barack is sworn in…..please give it up….the amount of negative stuff is just awful…..I am looking forward to the day…..the blessed day we have CHANGE……….do you want some cheese with that ….Whine?….V.
Stay with the Obama Site, we have had our ups and downs, trolls, word jousts, butted heads on oppions, but we came out the stronger….I love this site and my Facebook site is great….it is linked to this one and is a wonderful place….am adding a new feature and will take a little more time to get it ready…..not enough hours in the day for communicating, writing and all the good stuff…V.

November 2008

March 26, 2009

I know,..the moment that they pick their dog,…that breed will be worth a lot of money….and will nearly be extinct from the open market like the little blond chihuahua for Taco Bell……all the breeders want their dogs chosen…..and many want to know the breed to be the first to grab up the supply of that breed….

I hope they get a dog and don’t tell anyone what kind it is…..and oh yeah….the mutt thing….

Well there are not any mutt people….each person is wonderfully made for their purpose for this world….would Obama be better if his lineage was anything but what it is…..perfection.

Back to dogs…..all dogs are cross breeds to develop the type..

You should be full of Gratitude if your life is so wonderful and all you have to write about is the next First Dog…. .V…V.O.B.

Think outside the box….a square box called a house…this is a thought provoking as it is beautifull…a  site as well for being green…..

Loose nut behind the keyboard……what do you have to offer in the way of positive ideas for the nation,….that you and others can fix?

Call to prayer or whatever truth leads you….we have a fight on our hands….we need some of the spiritual actions we took during the campaign….we got what we wanted and let down our guard….we have to keep it up…..Vera…where are you…some more you folks get in on this….the snarling repubs, the angst in the ranks over Obama’s actions….you name it…..

Like I said of the VP pick….when the blog was giving all the advice we could stomach to read….I said, ‘Let Obama pick the VP he wants to work with shoulder to shoulder every day…he has a big job to take on….we have trusted him with it….we must trust him to pick his people….amen…V.

Is it time for a National HOMESTEAD ACT?

1.  The home can not be used for collateral for any debt surety.

2.  The home stands alone for mortgage funds, no combined debt into funding.

3.  The home is exempt in bankruptcy proceedings.

4.  The home must go through a one year default phase before foreclosure to offset loss of job other major life changing events, like death of the breadwinner, allowing for time to sell and restructure the debt.

5.  The home is not a blank check for credit card companies to suck the money out of equity, nor a basis for auto dealers to tap the life blood of American families.

6.  The National American Homestead would be the ENTIRE value of the home.  Some states have a homestead act that covers only a small portion of the home.  This allows it to be taken and sold under value and a small portion of the funds given to the owner to move on….even these funds are not exempt from further attachment after it becomes funds owned by the original owner.

7   The National American Homestead  would set apart the American Home as the nest from which the American Spirit rises each day to go to school and work and is the backbone of stability in America.

8.  The National American Homestead would be anywhere the home is owned and is the primary residence of the entire family.  The family could be one person, or all that are listed as the primary residents of the home.

9.  The National American Homestead would allow all that are listed as residents, including children  and seniors the right to the value and peaceful pursuit of happiness in the dwelling.  No more are children the disenfranchised non-owners of a family failure or divorce. 

10.  The National American Homestead would again be the sanctuary it is intended

on demand hydrogen is a simple cheap fuel additive.  The idiocy of hydrogen tanks on cars is dangerous, and ties the car to ‘refuel’ at gas stations…on demand hydrogen is a small electric pulse in a pint of water under the hood.  No hydrogen tank….about a 45% increase in fuel savings.

How much money, federal funds have been wasted by the Auto Industry by using these funds for RESEARCH for hybrid, electric, hydrogen tank, propane tanks, and bio fuels that they know are dangerous and will never be used.

A motor will generate enough electric power to refuel its own battery cells…

The real fix is the on demand hydrogen. 

We lose out on every front with lack of knowledge.

Is it time for a National HOMESTEAD ACT?

1.  The home can not be used for collateral for any debt surety.

2.  The home stands alone for mortgage funds, no combined debt into funding.

3.  The home is exempt in bankruptcy proceedings.

4.  The home must go through a one year default phase before foreclosure to offset loss of job other major life changing events, like death of the breadwinner, allowing for time to sell and restructure the debt.

5.  The home is not a blank check for credit card companies to suck the money out of equity, nor a basis for auto dealers to tap the life blood of American families.

6.  The National American Homestead would be the ENTIRE value of the home.  Some states have a homestead act that covers only a small portion of the home.  This allows it to be taken and sold under value and a small portion of the funds given to the owner to move on….even these funds are not exempt from further attachment after it becomes funds owned by the original owner.

7   The National American Homestead  would set apart the American Home as the nest from which the American Spirit rises each day to go to school and work and is the backbone of stability in America.

8.  The National American Homestead would be anywhere the home is owned and is the primary residence of the entire family.  The family could be one person, or all that are listed as the primary residents of the home.

9.  The National American Homestead would allow all that are listed as residents, including children  and seniors the right to the value and peaceful pursuit of happiness in the dwelling.  No more are children the disenfranchised non-owners of a family failure or divorce. 

10.  The National American Homestead would again be the sanctuary it is intended to be.

Is it time for a National HOMESTEAD ACT?

1.  The home can not be used for collateral for any debt surety.

2.  The home stands alone for mortgage funds, no combined debt into funding.

3.  The home is exempt in bankruptcy proceedings.

4.  The home must go through a one year default phase before foreclosure to offset loss of job other major life changing events, like death of the breadwinner, allowing for time to sell and restructure the debt.

5.  The home is not a blank check for credit card companies to suck the money out of equity, nor a basis for auto dealers to tap the life blood of American families.

6.  The National American Homestead would be the ENTIRE value of the home.  Some states have a homestead act that covers only a small portion of the home.  This allows it to be taken and sold under value and a small portion of the funds given to the owner to move on….even these funds are not exempt from further attachment after it becomes funds owned by the original owner.

7   The National American Homestead  would set apart the American Home as the nest from which the American Spirit rises each day to go to school and work and is the backbone of stability in America.

8.  The National American Homestead would be anywhere the home is owned and is the primary residence of the entire family.  The family could be one person, or all that are listed as the primary residents of the home.

9.  The National American Homestead would allow all that are listed as residents, including children  and seniors the right to the value and peaceful pursuit of happiness in the dwelling.  No more are children the disenfranchised non-owners of a family failure or divorce. 

10.  The National American Homestead would again be the sanctuary it is intended to be.

Is it time for a National HOMESTEAD ACT?

1.  The home can not be used for collateral for any debt surety.

2.  The home stands alone for mortgage funds, no combined debt into funding.

3.  The home is exempt in bankruptcy proceedings.

4.  The home must go through a one year default phase before foreclosure to offset loss of job other major life changing events, like death of the breadwinner, allowing for time to sell and restructure the debt.

5.  The home is not a blank check for credit card companies to suck the money out of equity, nor a basis for auto dealers to tap the life blood of American families.

6.  The National American Homestead would be the ENTIRE value of the home.  Some states have a homestead act that covers only a small portion of the home.  This allows it to be taken and sold under value and a small portion of the funds given to the owner to move on….even these funds are not exempt from further attachment after it becomes funds owned by the original owner.

7   The National American Homestead  would set apart the American Home as the nest from which the American Spirit rises each day to go to school and work and is the backbone of stability in America.

8.  The National American Homestead would be anywhere the home is owned and is the primary residence of the entire family.  The family could be one person, or all that are listed as the primary residents of the home.

9.  The National American Homestead would allow all that are listed as residents, including children  and seniors the right to the value and peaceful pursuit of happiness in the dwelling.  No more are children the disenfranchised non-owners of a family failure or divorce. 

10.  The National American Homestead would again be the sanctuary it is intended to be.

Why the silence?  Where is the broadcast?  We get silent visual blips on the other news channel but not any of the testimony?……..What is there to hide?…..V.

Thank you for all the good words….I had to leave my office and drive home and got lots of comments I could not answer until now….yes I have friends here….ans yes maybe some of the long time friends I did grow up and away from in more than one way…..I can’t thank you enough all of you for being here…

here is the post I made:

have more to fear from my life long friends than Obama supporters I meet for the first time.

I really think that they would not offer me a cold drink of water in the Texas Heat if I were there. 

I think they believe I will go to hell for my political choice and them to if they are anyway even cordial to me….talk about being decieved…I wish they could hear themselves…V


Call to prayer or whatever truth leads you….we have a fight on our hands….we need some of the spiritual actions we took during the campaign….we got what we wanted and let down our guard….we have to keep it up…..Vera…where are you…some more you folks get in on this….the snarling repubs, the angst in the ranks over Obama’s actions….you name it…..

Like I said of the VP pick….when the blog was giving all the advice we could stomach to read….I said, ‘Let Obama pick the VP he wants to work with shoulder to shoulder every day…he has a big job to take on….we have trusted him with it….we must trust him to pick his people….amen…V.

I have more to fear from my life long friends than Obama supporters I meet for the first time.

I really think that they would not offer me a cold drink of water in the Texas Heat if I were there. 

I think they believe I will go to hell for my political choice and them to if they are anyway even cordial to me….talk about being decieved…I wish they could hear themselves…V

 I am back on after a long day….I did not want to leave the discussion this morning about the CSPAN congressional hearing…..I am with you W.C. on your post…

I am an ‘Obamaican’…I had not read the posts before I put that one up just after yours…I have never seen such hatred and possible ‘terrorist’ in formally rational people in my life…it is frightening….V.

What is it?  Why do my repub friends who I love and respect believe this stuff?  I mean, you guys are not stupid?….I have never seen such hatred from normal folk in my life….I just do not understand.
The antichrist is not going to come until after the 4 horsemen and the rapture to deceive the undecided and new converts after the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth.
You need to read the entire series of LeHaye’s Left Behind series….
But the question for now….why do you hate so much?

I have heard that Bill Clinton and George Bush Senior were co-CEO’s of this corporation…..

There is a lot of Iraq oil money, and war dollars not accounted for……

The design for the Dubai City Tower is for 400 habitable stories topped by a 400 meter energy producing spire. The overall height of the project is 2,400 meters.

Read more at »

This has been a great portion of the blog…how I wish I could just stay on…or bookmark the pages to get back to this section this afternoon….gee I hate to miss out on this discussion….V.

I read back a few pages on the blog and am, as many times, amazed how I had a thought and came on and it joined the feelings of the posts above it.  We have really put it in plain terms that the air heads in charge of the financial markets should get it….we are not taking it anymore.

She said, “you have abandoned the mortgage bail out…..and [paraphrased] how she had faith in him and stood up for him with her caucuses and told them that he Bernanke, was able to take care of it. 


on demand hydrogen is a simple cheap fuel additive.  The idiocy of hydrogen tanks on cars is dangerous, and ties the car to ‘refuel’ at gas stations…on demand hydrogen is a small electric pulse in a pint of water under the hood.  No hydrogen tank….about a 45% increase in fuel savings.

How much money, federal funds have been wasted by the Auto Industry by using these funds for RESEARCH for hybrid, electric, hydrogen tank, propane tanks, and bio fuels that they know are dangerous and will never be used.

A motor will generate enough electric power to refuel its own battery cells…

The real fix is the on demand hydrogen. 

We lose out on every front with lack of knowledge.

October 2008

March 26, 2009

GOP, McCain, Palin, and their fellow, …friends of Hate….

have proven to me that…..They would rather 

1.  Destroy the American Way of Life,  with Greed, Corruption, Theft,

2.  Destroy Freedom of Speech,…wallowing in lies like pigs in a sty….

     pigs are smarter than to allow in the stench of the GOP

3.  Destroy Freedom,….with rankled shouts of Fear and Threats of Terrorism

4.  Destroy Peaceful Pursuit of Happiness..

    .a GUARNTEED RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION…Happiness if for them and their kind….

5.  Destroy the GNP with jobs overseas,…

     Promise ‘My Friends, we will have jobs in America….’ 

     when as head of the Commerce Committee for 7 years was part and parcel

     of the problems we face now

6.  Destroy the image of Christian Faith,….as people that behave like they do…..


    Spread freely to those you will….email it to yourself and forward to others….V.


Sarah Palin just sent out a request for $5 Million to get the vote out this weekend……

Maybe Cindy McCain can loan her the money…..

Cindy will probably be ready for Tuesday to be over….she can get rid of the haircut and curls they put on her and the softer frillier clothes to soften up her image……

Start right now …Join Me….and call on what truth leads you until the last vote is counted….

I need people to add on to a list that will be in constant contact with your spiritual force….

to fight the SPIRITUAL WAR….that is going on…..

You can bet the RIGHTEOUS RIGHTIES are in seance…..

The remind me of the Pharisees of the Bible….

too self righteous to help anyone but them selves and were clean on the outside but their hearts were full of hate…..V.

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

 The campaign has ask us to to this…..


Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

 The campaign has ask us to to this…..


Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

 The campaign has ask us to to this…..


Online Rally…they have ask for $25…let’s all do it…..all of us can give $25…and it will be huge….together…like we have done this so far….All of us holding hands together….send out personal requests….email friends….blog it….do it……V.

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain

Online Rally…..$25 to pay expenses to defeat McCain


Please ….Please…Please…Someone….make a book of the Pictures from the Campaign….and some of them posted here…like the Life magazine print we have….50 years in pictures……It is history yes,….but it is also some of the most beautiful pictures of Barack Obama… the crowds….in the back drops…..fantastic…V,.

Will you walk a mile with me Brother?

Will you walk a mile with me Sister?

We just have a few more miles to go…….V.


Verna Sciscoe wants to share some music with you. “Mahalia Jackson Radio”
Pandora is a free music service that helps you
listen to and discover new music. Click here to listencopyright 2008, Pandora Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
360 22nd Street – Suite 440 – Oakland CA – 94612
This is a one-time email sent from Verna Sciscoe, a Pandora listener.
Privacy Policy It plays spiritual songs that are so calming and so much soul…..I just love it….It is amazing how the words of these songs are relavent to this time until Tuesday……NOVEMBER 4TH…helps with the wait time….





Olivia Branch Walker…..’Everything is going to be alright’

Hang on just a little longer ….everything is going to be alright…Hang on just a little longer….V . 


I started my Obama group early Jan 1 of this year….I have come to know the different personalities on the blog…I have my favorites that I read…

I log on and look for the ones I know..whether I comment or not..Barack Obama is the great UNITER…look at all the people he has brought together here…I

 started a Facebook Obama page and there is a link to it on my personal page on this site..but it will not get all the people I like to read….Will we still be together after next week..? 

Please ….Please…Please…Someone….make a book of the Pictures from the Campaign….like the Life magazine print we have….50 years in pictures……It is history yes,….but it is also some of the most beautiful pictures of Barack Obama… the crowds….in the back drops…..fantastic…V,.

This time of night,…tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick….

the cat on the end of the bed on his comforter…tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick…..

my laptop…tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick….

Barack Obama on TV….tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick……

the clock on the wall.…..tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick…

my vote mailed in….tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick..

.is one second closer to the vote count tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick…

next Tuesday night….tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick……

Peace to all and to all a goodnight..tick…tick….tick…tick…tick…tick…tick….tick…….V.

Imagine  Barack Obama giving a speech and the back drop is the New York Stock Exchange.  We can imagine his speech on the economy and the talking points that would breathe health into the economy.,

Now, imagine John McCain giving the same talk he does complaining about Obama and nothing on the economy and Palin by his side on the Floor of the New York Stock Exchange….and interupting Palin saying…..”Whooo Boyyyy, the way we do it in AAAALLLLAAASSSKA……”

……..’nough said?…….V.

Sean Hannity on his radio program this afternoon, opening the show up with, ‘did the press ask Michelle Obama if she received a wardrobe from the DNC?….Did anyone of the media ask where her clothes came from…over and over again the same question rephrased…not making a statement but phrasing is as a question to make the same point.  Of course he knows the truth…so he can sidestep the truth by phrasing is as a question.  But still hammer home to the silly listeners that lap that stuff up….but no skin off his nose…he was just asking questions.

Can be viewed on   Ohio Voters Focus Group

CSPAN has on a magnificently run program, a focus group of Ohio voters. NOT so much for what they said, but what they did not say…
The format was brillliant…the questions, the way they were delivered…It was an educational presentation of the structure.

The participants were not the focus. They were not as ‘undecided’ as they would put on…one was a bitter Hillary supporter voting for McCain. No undecided there….In severall rounds of surgical questioning,….after much hesitation at each question…had to formulate a answer to justify her answer.

Others,…had to reach, I mean reach, to justify not voting for Obama for the obvious reason….bigotry. Cold crass bigotry….they used his orator skills as a liability….me thinks…because he has a better brain…education…focus…direction than they do and they can not accept that he does….so it must be something wrong with it.

G I M M E….T U E S D A Y N I G H T ….Q U I C K…..V.

The McCain Palin Web Site, …The RNC Web Site……no issues are discussed on how they are going to fix this nation.

My vote is mailed in for Barack Obama…I just went to the other web sites to see what you would find.  Stay with me on this…we are going somewhere at the end.

First of all, this one at first glance is far better….the other one is limited and stiff….not much going on at first look.

Second, you go to the first page of the McCain Palin site and it is video’s of McCain on a stretcher.

He is a hero,…yes….he got a medal, 30 years ago.

What is that going to do for a person looking for help with today’s issues?

You open this web site, the first page is what are the issues, the facts, the plan for our nation.

THE RNC web site:

Open it up and click on the blog, …it is all about the smears, lies, mis information we hear everyday.  NO PLAN FOR AMERICA

I did this because I received an email supposedly from Sarah Palin.  It was so stiff and to the point asking for money because this campaign have spent so much, ya da ya da ya da…..It was DEFINITLY not written by the person who signed it….just not the flow of information as it would come from what we have seen of her.

I also received emails from my long time friends that have started a SMEAR campaign against me personally.,..they have joined my Facebook and contacted my fellow workers on that web site and started such a vile untrue mess that it is unconscionable to take in.,,..

YES WE CAN ….overcome the smears, the lies, and stand up for who we are….people that have known me all of my life or for a lot of years…worked with me in office everyday….spent more time with me in the last two decades than my children…..and they do this….

Partly because they are in the same business as me and hope to build themselves up in the eyes of others …..but mostly because they have lost all sense of reason their own bigotry and sense of not being validated if Barack wins….they are absolutely blind.  And that is an insult to persons without sight that have more insight than my friends…..

I told you this was going somewhere,….thank God,…these idiots are the only ones left in the RNC.

Will the last person leaving the RNC please turn out the lights…..V.



We have a mail in county…..My Vote is in…everyone in town just meets and says..”Hi, How are you? Did you vote for Obama?……That is the greeting among the people in Bellingham Wa.

We are calm and patiently waiting for the rest of the nation to catch up and the votes counted.

By now my grandchildren are all tucked in their beds….all is quite…I am at peace knowing I will have done my part to help insure a better future for them…..

I bring you the PEACE AND CALM of the evening to let you know that when your vote is cast how you will feel. 

Blessing and good vibes to all….V.

I just got home from the showing.,  I may never be the same again…..Powerful…moving…..every minute is gripping ……It is late I will write more tomorrow.    MUST SEE….